Be careful, some Fire Risk Assessments aren't worth the tick box they are written on!
Following comments received on the Institution of Fire Engineers Group Forum as a professional & experienced Fire Risk Assessor I am dismayed along with others with the attempt that some Owners, Occupiers, Tenants will adopt cheap on-line templates which encourage the non-professional to have a go at doing their own Fire Risk Assessment with no comprehension or understanding of Fire Strategy, Fire Systems or Fire Safety Principles.
From my own personal experience I was amazed to hear a director of a 35-45 bedded Residential Care Home say he was sending his 'maintenance man' on a 2 day Fire Risk Assessment course in order that he could then conduct a Fire Risk Assessment. To undertake a small & simple premise with low risk is one thing..........To think that any person after 2 days would have the necessary knowledge, skill & understanding to then be responsible for a relatively complex building with many vulnerable people is at the best stupid & at the worst reckless.
With care establishments & HMO'S having a high proportion of fire injuries & deaths.....& lower survivability than most other property types it's about time Fire Risk Assessor were regulated to show competence.
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